Academic Affairs Programs


The Academic Affairs Program is headed by a Vice President duly designated by the University President. The VPAA will be assisted by the Council of Deans (COD) in the planning, implementation, management, and evaluation of the various academic programs, including all co- and extra-curricular, and other academic related activities. The council also formulates policies related to the improvement and modernization of the academic and other related programs for consideration by the Academic Council or the Administrative Council.


The goal of the Academic Affairs Program is to provide quality education that is characterized by the following features, among others: strong in science and technology; proactive of future and relevant to the current needs of the country; and effective in promoting people empowerment, sustainable development and global competitiveness.


To develop students who possess not only academic competence but also lifelong competencies that prepare
them to leadership roles in their respective communities;

To provide knowledge and skills necessary for individual, community and national development such as
entrepreneurship, innovativeness and advocacy among others; and

To develop among the students and members of the community a strong sense of nationalism, concern for the
environment and civic consciousness.

The Units under the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Degree-Granting Units (colleges and units for non-residential mode programs);
Academic Service Offices (units for student affairs, and admission, registration and related services); and
Units for Implementation of Specific Program (e.g. equivalency and accreditation) or Provision of Specific Service (e.g. library).



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Central Luzon State University
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