
OVPAA, IAO conduct executive session on internationalization

In an effort to promote global opportunities and foster enduring international partnerships, the Council of Deans’ Executive Session on Internationalization was held on September 13, 2023, at the Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases (CenTrAD) Complex. This gathering, co-hosted by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) and the International Affairs Office (IAO), marked a collaborative initiative aimed at enhancing global prospects and cultivating sustainable international ties among academic institutions.

Ten Pre-Service Teachers Join the SEA Teacher Program

Aligned with SDGs 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals), ten pre-service teachers were screened and chosen to be part of the second batch of the Southeast Asian Teacher (SEA) Teacher Program in Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand from February 06 to March 03, 2023.


CLSU student, chosen for SSEAYP 2022

Dan Paul Aaron Torres, a fourth-year BS Chemistry student at Central Luzon State University, has been selected as one of the Philippine Participating Youth (PY) to the Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP) Youth Conference 2022 by the National Youth Commission.

BSIT-National Finalist

Two BSIT Students advance in the ASEAN Data Science Explorers 2022 (ASEAN DSE) competition

The ASEAN Data Science Explorers 2022 competition organized by the ASEAN Foundation and SAP Asia Pte Ltd. aims to promote ASEAN awareness, United Nations – Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs), empower youth across the 10 ASEAN Member states with data analytics and other relevant skills, and inspire youths across the ASEAN region to take part in pressing socio-economic issues across the region through data-driven proposals that will contribute to the achievement of the UN-SDGs within the region.


OVPAA, OAd organize revisiting curricular program offerings workshop

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) and the Office of Admissions (OAd) organized a workshop on revisiting curricular program offerings at the OAd Lobby on June 15, 2022.

The workshop centered on revisiting the checklist and details of degree programs. Moreover, reviewing the correctness of course descriptions was conducted. Discussion on the learning modality to be adopted in the succeeding semester was also undertaken.

Saving our waters is everybody’s responsibility

Imagine the world many years back when pollution is not yet in full circle – white clouds, birds flying, fresh air, clean water, the greenery and relaxing, if not comforting fragrance all over.

As the world population gets bigger, the waste materials leak into our air and waters. Then, here come the climate change, the global warming, the environment degradation, so to speak.



Educational reforms and advances to go with the demands of the time have necessitated the paradigm shift in the education sector. In response, Philippine higher education institutions have migrated to various innovative learning modalities that maintain flexible teaching and learning options. The need for State Universities and Colleges to develop their ICT infrastructure and capabilities toward a smart campus that will help them achieve their educational needs has been more pronounced with the coming of the COVD-19 pandemic.


No more rice wastes in sustainable mushroom production

Central Luzon is known as the rice bowl of the Philippines, being the region that produces most of the country’s rice supply. During production of this crop, significant proportion of rice wastes is generated. They have been little utilized for practical purposes such as for animal feed and fertilizer. Most farmers commonly burn this waste in an open field after harvesting crops, which causes serious problems on environmental pollution and human health.

Addressing this very serious problem, the Center for Tropical Mushroom Research and Development (CTMRD) of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) developed the “Zero Rice Waste Technology” that promotes the efficient utilization of by products and wastes, such as rice straw, stubbles, rice bran, rice hull, and grains from rice production as planting material for growing of paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea), oyster mushroom (Pleurotus species), lingzhi or reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), rat’s ear mushroom (Auricularia species), among other edible mushrooms.

CLSU Maestro Singers, Minister of the Korea Forest Service Award Winner

CLSU Maestro Singers, the Central Luzon State University’s pride, once more exhibits their impeccable talents in a perfect balance of singing on a global scale in the recently concluded Virtual Choir Competition in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Changwon Initiative. They are set to receive 1,000,000 KRW cash prize from the Minister of the Korea Forest Service Award.