Policy Maker Category

CLSU bags 2nd place in the 3-Minute Pitch to Policy Makers

The team of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) headed by Dr. Jay C. Santos won 2nd place for the 3-Minute Pitch to Policy Makers category at the 6th Central Luzon Research Forum themed “Responding to Global Health Challenges through Research: Foundation to Universal Health Care on June 17-18, 2021, via Zoom meetings and Facebook live.


The House of Representatives of the Republic of the Philippines thru its Secretary General, Mark Llandro L. Mendoza has issued to Central Luzon State University, addressed to CLSU President, Dr. Edgar A. Orden, a copy of Resolution No. 153, entitled “RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING AND COMMENDING THE FOURTEEN (14) UNIVERSITIES WHICH BROUGHT PRIDE AND HONOR TO THE COUNTRY BY MAKING IT TO THE LIST OF ASIA’S BEST HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS BASED ON THE LATEST QUACQUARELLI SYMONDS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGS (ASIA 2021).


The Manila Times features CLSU as recipient of 1st Philippine Higher Education Internationalization Award

The Central Luzon State University, with its vision to be a world-class national research university, participated and won the CHED and UP-OU’s First Philippine Higher Education Internationalization Award. CLSU’s victory was featured in The Manila Times.

The internationalization of higher education enables an institution to nurture and develop globally competent students, faculty, and staff. This helps in enriching the learning experience of the students. Moreover, it allows the students, faculty, and staff to widen and deepen their knowledge, skills, and network in the multicultural and globalized world. More importantly, it strengthens the bonds between and among universities all over the world.

selective breeding

International webinar on selective breeding in aquaculture

Dr. Curtis Lind, a senior scientist from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization (CSIRO), Australia, delivered the talk online on “Development of Selective Breeding Programs for Aquaculture: Transforming Theory into Application” on May 14, 2021. Faculty and researchers from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand actively participated in the open forum held after the lecture.

CLSU embarks on a 5-year international collaborative project on Banana and Cacao

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) selected the project “Development and Adoption of Ecofriendly High-Performance Disease Control Technology for Banana and Cacao through Agrobiodiversity Management System” for the Fiscal Year 2020 Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program.